Countdown to ASLMS 2019!







Saturday, March 30

Full Spectrum of Body Contouring

Participants All physicians practicing surgical or non-surgical body contouring in their offices.

Background Requirements Participants should have knowledge of anatomy of the fat compartments of the trunk, extremities and face. Participants must also have familiarity of current classification for body contouring devices.

Educational Needs/Expected Learning Objectives Physicians will learn how to better assess patients and have better knowledge about the devices available to improve body contouring techniques, safety and patient outcomes.

A. Jay Burns, MD Burns-A-Jay-Thumb
Suzanne L. Kilmer, MD kilmer-suzanne-l-Thumb
Mathew M. Avram, MD, JD Avram-Mathew-M-Thumb
Barry E. DiBernardo, MD  DiBernardo-Barry-E-Thumb
Jason N. Pozner, MD Pozner-Jason-N-Thumb
Time Title - Presenting Author
7:00 AM - 7:04 AM Introduction and Pre-Test - A. Jay Burns, Suzanne L. Kilmer
7:05 AM - 7:15 AM Cryolipolysis and Laser: Cooling and Heating the Fat Away - Mathew M. Avram
7:16 AM - 7:28 AM
Combining Cryolipolysis and HIFEM to Optimize Body Contouring and Other Latest Developments - Suzanne L. Kilmer
7:29 AM - 7:39 AM
External RF vs Ultrasound vs the Knife - Jason N. Pozner
7:40 AM - 7:50 AM
Body Contouring With Energy: The Internal Approach - Barry E. DiBernardo
7:51 AM - 8:01 AM
What’s Hot? What’s Cool? My Surgical/Non-Surgical Approach to Body Contouring - A. Jay Burns
8:02 AM - 8:50 AM Interesting Case Panel Discussion - All Faculty
8:51 AM - 9:00 AM  Q&A, Conclusion and Post-Test - A. Jay Burns, Suzanne L. Kilmer

CME Max AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™, CE Max CE Contact Hours

aslms-2019-novice-iconNovice,  aslms-2019-intermediate-iconIntermediate,  aslms-2019-expert-iconExpert

Schedule and rooms subject to change without notice

The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Inc. is the world’s largest scientific organization dedicated to promoting research, education and high standards of clinical care in the field of medical laser applications. It provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information and participation in communicating the latest developments in laser medicine and surgery to clinicians, research investigators, government and regulatory agencies, and the public.

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