Volunteers are critical to the Society's ability to meet the diverse needs of its members. Each year the President and President-Elect appoint new members to a number of committees, which are marked: Open to Volunteers. If you have thought about getting more involved, we may have opportunities that fit your interests.
ASLMS is seeking new committee members for the term starting April 24, 2025. Contact Miranda Buck at or call 715-845-9283 by Friday, November 25, 2024 if you are interested in serving.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee provides oversight to the Society for financial statement integrity, financial practices, management and audits, internal control systems and standards of conduct. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Rawaa Almukhtar, MD, MPH
MEMBER H. Ray Jalian, MD
MEMBER Bianca Y. Kang, BS, MD
MEMBER Yakir Levin, MD, PhD
MEMBER E. Victor Ross, MD
MEMBER Peter R. Shumaker, MD
MEMBER Kelly J. Stankiewicz, MD, FAAD
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee recommends individuals for recognition by the Society, including the Caroline and William Mark Memorial, Ellet H. Drake Memorial, Leon Goldman Memorial, and Nursing/Allied Health Excellence Awards, as well as the Dr. Horace Furumoto Research Awards. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Shlomit Halachmi, MD, PhD
MEMBER Eric F. Bernstein, MD, MSE
MEMBER Roy G. Geronemus, MD
MEMBER Thy Huynh, MD
MEMBER H. Ray Jalian, MD
MEMBER Bridget Myers, MD
MEMBER David M. Ozog, MD
CE Advisory Committee
The CE Advisory Committee shall support the ASLMS goal to meet or exceed all compliance requirements for accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). Committee members assist with providing peer review and unbiased evaluation of ASLMS accredited continuing education (CE) activities as a means of providing general assistance, advice, and support to the ASLMS Provider Unit regarding decisions on how to improve format, structure, planning processes, and content of accredited CE activities to ensure high-quality programming with valid scientific and clinical content. Open to volunteers.
Concepts Committee (2024 - 2025)
The committee’s primary function is to serve in a consultative, non-voting role, consistent with the Society’s agreed upon philosophies and policies. The committee serves as a supportive entity from which the CME Provider Unit - consisting of ASLMS staff, the Director of Continuing Medical Education (CME) and the CME Advisory Committee members - may seek consultation and suggestions. The committee may provide ideas and suggestions related to overall concepts for both educational and non-educational programming and activities (Annual Conference, pre-conference courses, regional courses, social events, etc.).
CO-CHAIR Jennifer L. Sawaya, MD (2025 Program Chair)
CO-CHAIR Adam J. Wulkan, MD (2025 Program Chair)
MEMBER Shlomit Halachmi, MD, PhD (2024 Program Chair)
MEMBER Arielle N.B. Kauvar, MD (2024 Program Chair)
MEMBER Jessica G. Labadie, MD (2024 Program Chair)
MEMBER Yakir Levin, MD, PhD (2024 Program Chair)
MEMBER Kachiu C. Lee, MD, MPH (Director Government, Communication, and Education)
MEMBER Nathan S. Uebelhoer, DO (Exhibit Chair)
MEMBER Rebecca Sprague, RN, NP-C (Nursing/Allied Health Board Representative)
MEMBER Hasina Maredia, MD (Resident/Fellow Representative)
MEMBER Gaurav Agnihotri, MD (Resident/Fellow Representative)
MEMBER Junsoo Lee, MS (Early Career Scientist Representative)
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
The Constitution and Bylaws Committee deals with all questions related to the Society's governing documents, including requests for amendments. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Mathew M. Avram, MD, JD
MEMBER Henry H.L. Chan, MD, PhD, FRCP
MEMBER Kachiu C. Lee, MD, MPH
MEMBER J. Stuart Nelson, MD, PhD
MEMBER Pooja Sodha, MD
MEMBER Aria Vazirnia, MD, MAS
MEMBER Frances Walocko, MD, MEng
Digital Communications Committee
The purpose of the Digital Communications Committee is to assist ASLMS staff in reviewing and recommending activities that increase Society presence on website, social media and mobile platforms. The committee works to refine existing digital content strategies, develop new strategies to build and maintain online content and communities, and evaluate new platforms. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Emily L. Guo, MD
MEMBER Swati Kannan, MD
MEMBER Morgan B. Murphrey, MD, MS
MEMBER Mona Sadeghpour, MD
MEMBER Toral Vaidya, MD, MPH
MEMBER Jacqueline Watchmaker, MD
Early Career Committee
The charge of the committee is to attract and retain future leaders of the ASLMS by focusing on the educational and networking needs of early career professionals interested in the field of lasers and energy-based devices. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Pooja Sodha, MD
MEMBER Brian Cahn, MD
MEMBER Emily L. Guo, MD
MEMBER Swati Kannan, MD
MEMBER Shelby L. Kubicki, MD
MEMBER Samip Sheth, MD
MEMBER Frances Walocko, MD, MEng
Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Committee
The Ethics and Conflict of Interest Committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding any matters concerning ethics or conflict of interest referred to the Committee by the Board, administrative staff or members. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Seckin O. Ulualp, MD, MBA
MEMBER Mathew M. Avram, MD, JD
MEMBER Brian Cahn, MD
MEMBER Tanya Greywal, MD
MEMBER E. Victor Ross, MD
MEMBER Maral K. Skelsy, MD
MEMBER Brian D. Zelickson, MD
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for making recommendations regarding fiscal policy for the Society and will review yearly budgets prepared by the Treasurer who is a member of the committee. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Vladimir Paul-Blanc, BA
MEMBER Michael Abrouk, MD
MEMBER Andrew F. Alexis, MD, MPH
MEMBER Alissandro R. Castillo, MD, MBA
MEMBER Roy G. Geronemus, MD
MEMBER Yakir Levin, MD, PhD
MEMBER Vineet Mishra, MD
Fundraising Committee
The primary responsibility of the Fundraising Committee is to solicit sponsorship funds to support ASLMS programs and raise funds to support and sustain the ASLMS research program. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR E. Victor Ross, MD
MEMBER Martin Buta, MD, MBA, MS
MEMBER Henry H.L. Chan, MD, PhD, FRCP
MEMBER Tanya Greywal, MD
MEMBER Omar A. Ibrahimi, MD, PhD
MEMBER Bianca Y. Kang, BS, MD
MEMBER Bruce E. Katz, MD
MEMBER Christopher A. Manios, MD
MEMBER Vladimir Paul-Blanc, BA
MEMBER Hyemin Pomerantz, MD
MEMBER Jason N. Pozner, MD
MEMBER Mona Sadeghapour, MD
MEMBER Fernanda H. Sakamoto, MD, PhD
Gift Acceptance Committee
The Gift Acceptance Committee is charged with the responsibility of reviewing all gifts proposed to be made to the ASLMS, properly screening, accepting or declining those gifts, and making recommendations to the Board on gift acceptance issues when appropriate. The Gift Acceptance Committee will also approve and/or direct the allocation of investment proceeds that support and carry out the mission of the ASLMS. Committee consists of the ASLMS President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chair of the Finance Committee. The ASLMS will seek the advice of legal counsel in matters relating to acceptance of gifts when appropriate.
CHAIR Arisa E. Ortiz, MD
MEMBER Rawaa Almukhtar, MD, MPH
MEMBER Omar A. Ibrahimi, MD, PhD
MEMBER Kristen M. Kelly, MD
MEMBER Vladimir Paul-Blanc, BA
MEMBER Molly Wanner, MD, MBA
Human Resources Committee
This committee shall evaluate and make recommendations to the Board regarding human resources issues, staffing and other related needs of the Society. Members will include the President, Secretary and Treasurer. If a Treasurer-Elect is serving, he or she will serve as a non-voting member of the Committee.
CHAIR Arisa E. Ortiz, MD
MEMBER Kristen M. Kelly, MD
MEMBER Molly Wanner, MD, MBA
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee
The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee will work to create a diverse, equitable, accessible and inclusive culture for our members, industry colleagues and potential members. This committee will seek to re-examine our professional values, modify our existing policies and procedures, and remove barriers to being diverse and inclusive. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Ronda S. Farah, MD
MEMBER Hasina Maredia, MD
MEMBER Keyvan Nouri, MD, MBA
MEMBER Oge C. Onwudiwe, MD
MEMBER Zakia Rahman, MD
MEMBER Ina Ratchev, BSN
MEMBER Mara C. Weinstein Velez, MD
International Affairs Committee
The International Affairs Committee considers any business of the Society related to its affiliation and cooperation with other societies on an international basis. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Taryn E. Travis, MD, FACS
MEMBER Pavel Efremkin, PhD
MEMBER Merete Haadersdal, MD, PhD, DMSc
MEMBER Yakir Levin, MD, PhD
MEMBER Keyvan Nouri, MD, MBA
MEMBER Jinze Qiu, PhD
MEMBER Ying Wang, MD, PhD
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee assures that the investments of the Society meet the Society's investment goals. The Committee shall consist of the Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, current chair of the Finance Committee and a member appointed by the President-Elect to serve a three (3) year term.
CHAIR Molly Wanner, MD, MBA
MEMBER Rawaa Almukhtar, MD, MPH
MEMBER Henry H.L Chan, MD, PhD, FRCP
MEMBER Kristen M. Kelly, MD
MEMBER Vladimir Paul-Blanc, BA
MEMBER Nazanin Saedi, MD
Marketing and Public Relations Committee
The Marketing and Public Relations Committee oversees public relations and marketing activities that support the vision, mission, and policies of the Society. Activities include facilitating membership recruitment and retention, enhanced membership services, communications and promoting the Annual Conference and other activities sponsored by the Society. Open to volunteers.
MEMBER Kristen M. Kelly, MD
MEMBER Arisa E. Ortiz, MD
MEMBER Anthony M. Rossi, MD, FAAD
MEMBER Jennifer L. Sawaya, MD (2025 Program Chair)
MEMBER Molly Wanner, MD, MBA
MEMBER Adam J. Wulkan, MD (2025 Program Chair)
Membership Committee
The Membership Task Force assists ASLMS staff in reviewing and recommending activities that promote and retain members. The task force will develop new member communication strategies to keep members engaged. The task force will also evaluate member recruitment and retention programs, utilizing a variety of measures including membership satisfaction and membership trends. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Omar A. Ibrahimi, MD, PhD
MEMBER Michael Abrouk, MD
MEMBER Miguel A. Aristizabal, MD
MEMBER Christy Behnam, MD
MEMBER Martin Buta, MD, MBA, MS
MEMBER Isabella Camacho, MD
MEMBER Margaret Chou, MD
MEMBER Axel Delgado, MD
MEMBER Navina DeLight, MD
MEMBER David Gao, MD
MEMBER Sungat K. Grewal, MD, FAAD
MEMBER William Guo, MD
MEMBER Spencer Hawkins, MD
MEMBER Kerrie Jiang, NP, MSN
MEMBER Erik Kumetz, MD
MEMBER Monica Li, MD
MEMBER Xiaoning Li, MD
MEMBER Claire M. Noell, MD
MEMBER Keyvan Nouri, MD, MBA
MEMBER Sara D. Ragi, MS
MEMBER Ina Ratchev, BSN
MEMBER Michelle A. Robinson, MD
MEMBER Nicole Salame, MD
MEMBER Samip Sheth, MD
MEMBER Aria Vazirnia, MD, MAS
MEMBER Mara C. Weinstein Velez, MD
MEMBER Daniel Yanes, MD
Mentorship Committee
The Mentorship Committee is responsible for the development and oversight of mentorship programs to ensure that participants have an enriching learning experience that contributes to their personal and professional growth and development. The committee will develop mentorship programs to match early career members seeking learning opportunities, guidance and support from senior members willing to dedicate time and knowledge to enhance the skills of mentees. Open to volunteers.
MEMBER Jessica G. Labadie, MD
MEMBER Gary P. Lask, MD
MEMBER Morgan B. Murphrey, MD, MS
MEMBER Keyvan Nouri, MD, MBA
MEMBER Kristel D. Polder, MD
MEMBER Thomas E. Rohrer, MD
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee will identify individuals who are capable, talented, interested, and willing to serve as directors and Society or division offices. The Nominating Committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members of the Society, one of which shall be the immediate Past President who shall serve as chairperson, three (3) shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at its annual meeting and the remainder shall be elected by the membership.
MEMBER Tina S. Alster, MD, FAAD
MEMBER Mathew M. Avram, MD, JD
MEMBER Christine C. Dierickx, MD
MEMBER Suzanne L. Kilmer, MD
MEMBER Jill S. Waibel, MD
MEMBER Adam J. Wulkan, MD
Philanthropy Committee
The Philanthropy Committee supports partnerships and programs approved by the Board. The Committee can make recommendations to the Board regarding future partnerships or programs. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Mona Sadeghpour, MD
MEMBER Tina S. Alster, MD, FAAD
MEMBER Eliot F. Battle Jr., MD
MEMBER Henry H.L. Chan, MD, PhD, FRCP
MEMBER Lesley R. Clark-Loeser, MD
MEMBER DiAnne S. Davis, MD, MS
MEMBER Jeffrey S. Dover, MD, FRCPC
MEMBER Dieter Manstein, MD, PhD
Public Policy Committee
The Public Policy Committee supports the Public Policy Director with advocacy initiatives relating to the advancement of laser technology for use in medicine and surgery. Committee members shall assist the Public Policy Director in identifying and prioritizing relevant state and federal legislative and regulatory proposals that relate to this purpose and impact members of the ASLMS. The Public Policy Committee is responsible for coordinating and partnering efforts with other like-minded healthcare organizations. The activities of the Public Policy Committee shall be limited to activities that ASLMS is permitted to engage in under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and the tax-exempt status ASLMS has elected under the Code. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR George J. Hruza, MD, MBA
MEMBER Sara Hogan, MD, MHS
MEMBER Sarah Ibrahim, MD
MEMBER Kachiu C. Lee, MD, MPH
MEMBER Vineet Mishra, MD
MEMBER Zeina S. Tannous, MD
MEMBER Jill S. Waibel, MD
Research and Development Committee
The Research and Development Committee leads the development and implementation of the Society's student and non-student research initiatives. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Jordan V. Wang, MD, MBE, MBA
MEMBER David Baxter, TD, Dphil, MBA
MEMBER Catherine M. DiGiorgio, MD
MEMBER Bianca Y. Kang, BS, MD
MEMBER Patricia M. Richey, MD
MEMBER Maral K. Skelsey, MD
MEMBER Saranya Wyles, MD, PhD
Safety Awareness Committee
The Safety Awareness Committee will make recommendations to the Board to provide education for and promote the safe, effective and ethical use of energy-based devices. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR John E. Hoopman, CMLSO
MEMBER Angela Dubbs, DNP, FNP-BC
MEMBER Kerry Heitmiller, MD
MEMBER Arielle N.B. Kauvar, MD
MEMBER Tracey L. Mancuso, BSc-HS, CMLSO
MEMBER Ina Ratchev, BSN
Women in Energy-Based Devices Committee
Highlight the excellence of women involved in the ASLMS and implement strategies to advance networking and training opportunities. Promote the professional development of women using energy-based technologies at all career and training levels through teaching, mentoring and organization leadership. Open to volunteers.
CHAIR Arielle N.B. Kauvar, MD
MEMBER Juanita J. Anders, PhD
MEMBER Lesley R. Clark-Loeser, MD
MEMBER Lilit Garibyan, MD, PhD
MEMBER Thy Huynh, MD
MEMBER Suzanne L. Kilmer, MD
MEMBER Molly Wanner, MD, MBA