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Member Recruitment Tips and Tools

Recruiting new members should be easy and fun! Often, people haven’t joined yet simply because they either haven't been asked or they don't know about all ASLMS has to offer. That's where you can help. 

Recruitment Tips

  1. Identify the best candidates for membership. The key to successful recruitment is asking the right people to join. Your coworkers, young professionals, new employees in your organization, students, and interns are all great prospects and will appreciate that you have gone out of your way to help them with their careers. Then expand to your larger network of professional colleagues.
  2. Personally deliver membership applications or referral cards to your recruits. Pre-fill in your name on the “Referred By” line so you get credit for your efforts.
  3. Share the benefits of membership in ASLMS and how it has helped you professionally.
    1. Provide new recruits with the ASLMS website,, so they can review membership benefit details and join online.
    2. Download our member benefit slides and include them in your presentations.
    3. Download the ASLMS membership brochure and email it to your recruits.
  4. Follow up with prospective members to see if they've mailed their applications or joined online. Remind your recruits of the resources ASLMS can provide to help advance their careers, improve patient care, and make worldwide connections.
  5. Send an email or handwritten note thanking your recruits for considering a membership with ASLMS and express appreciation for their support.


Recruitment Tools


To use the slides in your PowerPoint presentation:

  1. Save the ASLMS file to your computer
  2. In your PowerPoint presentation, click Home | New Slide | Reuse slides
  3. Insert slide from | Browse File to select the ASLMS file.
  4. Be sure to check the box at bottom:  Keep source formatting
  5. Insert the slides

Ready to make referrals?

Click this button to provide us with your colleagues' names and email addresses. We'll take it from there!

Refer Now


    The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Inc. is the world’s largest scientific organization dedicated to promoting research, education and high standards of clinical care in the field of medical laser applications. It provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information and participation in communicating the latest developments in laser medicine and surgery to clinicians, research investigators, government and regulatory agencies, and the public.

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