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Advertising Opportunities

Maximize the exposure to your target audience through ASLMS communication platforms.

Year-Round Advertising Opportunities

Advertise in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (LSM)

Wiley Periodicals, publisher of the journal, offers a range of advertising solutions. GO NOW

Job Postings on ASLMS Career Center

Gain access to our specialized niche of professionals through a job posting on the ASLMS Career Center. ASLMS members and exhibiting companies receive significant discounts on job posting pricing. GO NOW

ASLMS website and eNewsletters

ASLMS has a partnership with Association Revenue Partners (ARP) to provide year-round website and email newsletter advertising opportunities, allowing companies to reach association members.

Please call or email ARP with questions and for more information:

Conference Advertising Opportunities

Jackie Matthiae, Industry Relations Specialist
American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
2100 Stewart Avenue, Suite 240
Wausau, WI 54401
Phone: 715-301-1732


The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Inc. is the world’s largest scientific organization dedicated to promoting research, education and high standards of clinical care in the field of medical laser applications. It provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information and participation in communicating the latest developments in laser medicine and surgery to clinicians, research investigators, government and regulatory agencies, and the public.

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