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The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Inc. (ASLMS) was founded in 1980 and is the world's largest professional organization dedicated to promoting research, education and high standards of clinical care in the field of medical laser and energy-based applications. ASLMS provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information and participates in communicating the latest developments in laser and energy-based research to investigators, regulatory agencies, and the public.

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Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

Promote excellence in patient care by advancing biomedical application of lasers and other related technologies worldwide.

Our Vision

Be the world's preeminent resource for biomedical laser and other energy-based technologies research, education and clinical knowledge.

Organizational Values

  • Excellence - the "sine quo non" of our existence
  • Integrity - we advocate and emulate high ethical conduct in all we do
  • Multidisciplinary - we advocate inclusion and embrace all specialties with whom we work and share knowledge
  • Leadership - we lead through example and recognize caring must be a cornerstone of our professional and patient interactions
  • Professionalism - we strive to set professional standards in all we do

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What Does ASLMS Do?

ASLMS supports the mission and vision by:

  • Conducting the Annual Conference which allows for the multidisciplinary exchange of information on the latest discoveries, applications and research involving medical lasers and energy based sources.
  • Providing Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, the Society's official journal, the most prestigious and widely circulated peer reviewed scientific journal dedicated to basic and applied aspects of laser and energy-based device therapy and diagnosis.
  • Supporting research projects designed to foster the development and use of lasers and other related technologies in medical and surgical applications.
  • Establishing practice guidelines and safety standards for physician and non-physician use of lasers and related energy-based technologies.
  • Providing in-service education and testifying before regulatory authorities including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
  • Sponsoring professional networking opportunities to clinicians and suppliers.
  • Supporting regional, national and international meetings of laser and energy-based health care professionals.
  • Disseminating information for the public about laser and energy-based device use that enhances patient care.


Who belongs to ASLMS?

Membership is comprised of more than 50 different specialties and disciplines, including physicians and surgeons, nurses and other allied health care professionals, physicists who develop devices, biomedical engineers who adapt them for medical purposes, biologists who investigate the interaction of laser light and energy with tissue, and equipment manufacturers. Nearly 20% of the Society's members are located outside the United States.

Learn more about the benefits of membership in ASLMS.



The board of directors of ASLMS, elected by the members, serves the Society by guiding and advancing the work of the organization to fulfill its mission.

Explore ASLMS Governance


Our History

Dr. Ellet Drake, along with a number of like-minded individuals, and a generous grant from William and Caroline Mark and the A. Ward Ford Foundation, founded the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS) in 1981, with the first annual meeting held in San Diego, California.  The Society had a unique concept where all interested parties including physicians, nurses and other clinicians, researchers, industrial and government representatives could meet and share their research and teaching for the benefit of medical care. Many years later, this concept is still a core tenet of our Society. 

Learn more about key milestones in ASLMS history.

Resources For:



With an ASLMS membership, you have the tools to improve patient care, advance your career, help develop the next generation of leaders, and make valuable connections.


Media Center

Media representatives will find important background information and the latest news in the Media Center.


Contact Us

We want to hear from you! Let us know your thoughts or ask us any questions – we're here for you! Contact ASLMS

The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Inc. is the world’s largest scientific organization dedicated to promoting research, education and high standards of clinical care in the field of medical laser applications. It provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information and participation in communicating the latest developments in laser medicine and surgery to clinicians, research investigators, government and regulatory agencies, and the public.

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